関連情報 | Related Information
村上隆さんが、2016年度の文化庁・第66回芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞(美術部門)を受賞! おめでとうございます!
Takashi Murakami has received the 66th Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts!
Details here (in Japanese language only)
10月31日から128日間にわたって開催した「村上隆の五百羅漢図展」は、昨日3月6日に閉幕しました。会期中なんと31万人ものお客様が来館! 最終日は村上隆さん本人も会場にかけつけ、グランドフィナーレとなりました。
Over 310,000 visitors!
"Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" now closed.
The exhibition "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," open for 128 days since October 31, finally closed its curtain yesterday, March 6. It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce over 310,000 visitors came to view the show. To mark the "grand finale" of the exhibition, the artist Takashi Murakami was on site and greeted the visitors on March 6 as well.

展示風景:「村上隆の五百羅漢図展」 森美術館、東京、2015年
Installation view: "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2015
Photo: Takayama Kozo
©2012 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Since it was the first major solo exhibition in Japan by Murakami in 14 years, not only people from all over Japan, but all over the world have visited the museum to see this epoch-making show of Murakami's. On the eve the show close, March 5, the number of visitors exceeded 300,000. The 300,000th visitor was Tanaka family from Shinagawa, Tokyo and was given special, not-for-sale Murakami item from Ms. Kasahara Chiaki, producer of Kaikai Kiki.

From the left, Mrs. Tanaka Marina (Age 29), Tanaka Kiko (9 months), Mr. Tanaka Junpei (Age 31) and the presenter Kasahara Chiaki.
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Also, there was another surprise awaiting us by Murakami in the evening of the very last day of the exhibition. Murakami arrived at the Museum to hold an Autograph Signing Session for those who purchased original goods at the Museum Shop. He even took pictures together with fans!
We would like to thank all the visitors to the exhibition. Thank you!

©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
3/4・5・6の3日間は「Last Weekend Special」
最後の3日間、3月4日(金)、5日(土)、6日(日)は、「Last Weekend Special」として、開館時間を特別に延長します!
「Last Weekend Special」
特別開館時間 |

Photo: Mikuriya Shinichiro
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Opening hours extended!
"Takashi Murakami" exhibition ends on March 6.
- LAST WEEKEND SPECIAL on March 4, 5 & 6
The Mori Art Museum exhibition "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" is to finally close its curtain this weekend. It is with our great excitement to announce the "LAST WEEKEND SPECIAL" where the opening hours of the exhibition are to be extended on the final three days.
Special |
Friday, March 4 8:00-25:00
Having attracted over 250,000 visitors from around the world already, this exhibition provides us with the last opportunity to see the artist's 100-meter long masterpiece The 500 Arhats in Japan. This will be a golden opportunity for all to fully enjoy the world of Takashi Murakami's from earlier in the mornings until later in the evenings!
We are currently planning on presenting an exclusive, extremely rare, and also not-for-sale "Murakami" item of goods to commemorate the 300,000th visitor of the exhibition!
Visitor numbers exceed 200,000!
Only three more weeks to catch "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats"!
As of February 8, an incredible 200,000 people have seen "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," which opened on October 31.
The show is actually the first major solo exhibition in Japan by Murakami in 14 years, since 2001, and people from all over Japan and elsewhere and all walks of life have been converging on the Mori Art Museum to catch the new work by this internationally-renowned artist.
展示風景/Takashi Murakami's The 500 Arhats [The White Tiger] (detail)](image/exhibition_p02.jpg)
《五百羅漢図》[白虎](部分) 2012年 アクリル、カンバス、板にマウント 302x10,000cm 個人蔵
展示風景:「村上隆の五百羅漢図展」 森美術館、東京、2015年 撮影:高山幸三
Takashi Murakami's The 500 Arhats [The White Tiger] (detail), 2012.
Installation view: "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2015
Photo: Takayama Kozo
©2012 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Among those coming to see The 500 Arhats, a work on the themes of art, death and human limits that breaks new creative ground for Takashi Murakami, have been a large number of older people and families, groups which do not usually have much contact with contemporary art, and interest in the work has been growing daily across all demographics.
The 200,000th visitor was Kan Mayu, pictured here with her friend Watanabe Mayu. Ms. Kan told us that she had never heard of Takashi Murakami, but learned of the exhibition from a friend through social media, liked Murakami's use of color and unconventional worldview, and decided to come along and take a look for herself.

Photo: Mikuriya Shinichiro
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
会場入口には、「村上羅漢ロボ」と、《五百羅漢図》にちなんだ四神のオブジェが登場。お経を唱える村上隆尊者のロボットは、まるで 本人がそこにいるかのようなリアルさです。また、《五百羅漢図》に登場する四神(青竜、白虎、朱雀、玄武)をモチーフにしたオブジェは、ポップなデザインでお子様にも大変人気で、フォトスポットとして好評を博しています。
At the entrance to the exhibition, visitors encounter the "Murakami Arhat Robot" and large art objects inspired by four Chinese guardians each bearing celestial directions and taken from The 500 Arhats. The chanting Murakami Buddhist saint robot bears an uncanny resemblance to the real Murakami. The objects, based on the four guardians that feature in The 500 Arhats (Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise), have a pop-art look hugely appealing to children, and are proving a favorite photo spot.

A visitor to the exhibition photographing the "Murakami Arhat Robot."
Photo: Mikuriya Shinichiro
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

"The Four Guardian Objects" are hugely appealing to young children.
Photo: Mikuriya Shinichiro
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
閉幕まで残り3週間。村上隆の国内での大型個展はこれで最後となるかもしれません。 ぜひ、この機会に村上隆の世界を体感ください。
There are now just three weeks left to see "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," which may well be the last major solo exhibition of Murakami's work in Japan. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique world of Murakami.
お年玉キャンペーンやカタログサイン会も! 「村上隆のお花カフェ」最新情報
"Otoshidama Campaign," "Autograph Signing Session" and more! "Flower Cafe by Takashi Murakami" latest news!
At the "Flower Cafe by Takashi Murakami," a project in conjunction with the Mori Art Museum's current exhibition "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," various events are organized to welcome your visit. If you have not fixed your holiday plans yet, come and visit the Cafe & the exhibition!
六本木ヒルズのために村上隆が制作したキャラクター「ロクロク星人」が、ヒルズ カフェ/スペースにてお出迎えします。
- ※12月29日(火)以降は、全キャラクターのバルーンが揃って宙を舞っている姿をご覧いただけるほか、「ロクロク星人スペシャルムービー」もカフェ内で放映しています。
日時 |
1月9日(土)(村上隆サイン会実施日)10:45-18:00 |

©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Appearance of Roku Roku Seijin at the "Flower Cafe by Takashi Murakami"
"Roku Roku Seijin" - characters created by Takashi Murakami specially for Roppongi Hills - will be at the Hills Café/Space to greet you all.
In some range of time, they will be walking around within Roppongi Hills. Come and meet them!
- * After Tuesday, December 29, 2015, balloons of all of the characters will dance in the air, and "Roku Roku Seijin Special Movie" will be on view at this special Cafe!
Date & Time |
10:45-18:00, Monday, December 28, 2015
10:45-18:00, Saturday, January 9, 2016
1月1日(金・祝)以降、「村上隆の五百羅漢図展」に入館し、かつヒルズ カフェ/スペースにて1,000円以上飲食されたお客様を対象に、「ロクロク星人」のマグネットをプレゼント。非売品のため、ここでしか手に入らないプレミアグッズです。「五百羅漢図」にちなみ、先着500個のみとなりますので、お早めに!
日時 |
引換場所 |
ヒルズ カフェ/スペース(六本木ヒルズ森タワー2F)11:00-23:00 |
引換方法 |
ヒルズ カフェ/スペースのレジにて、
をご提示の方にお渡しします。 |

"Roku Roku Seijin" magnet
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
"Otoshidama Campaign"
- Visit the "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" and Cafe during your New Year's Holidays
If you visit the Mori Art Museum's "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," after January 1, 2016, and make a consumption over 1,000 yen of food and drink at Hills Café /Space, you will get a magnet, not-for-sale, "special" item. The magnet will be given to first 500 applicants only, numbered after "The 500 Arhats." Don't miss it!
Period |
Friday, January 1, 2016 -
Where to apply |
Hills Café /Space (2F, Hillside, Roppongi Hills) , 11:00-23:00 |
How to apply |
Indicate two items noted below at the counter of Hills Café /Space
村上隆の五百羅漢図展 展覧会カタログの出版を記念し、村上隆氏本人によるサイン会を開催します。先着200名となります。
当日は、六本木ヒルズのために村上隆が制作したキャラクター「ロクロク星人」も、ヒルズ カフェ/スペースにてお出迎えします。
日時 |
整理券配布場所 |
ヒルズ カフェ/スペース(六本木ヒルズ ヒルサイド2F)
In Commemoration of Publication of "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" Exhibition Catalogue Takashi Murakami Autograph Signing Session - limited to 200 persons only -
To commemorate the publication of the exhibition catalogue of "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats," we will hold a Signing Session by Takashi Murakami, limited to 200 persons.
Roku Roku Seijin, the characters produced by Takashi Murakami for Roppongi Hills will also appear to set up the excitement of the event. Don't miss this rare opportunity!
Date & Time |
15:00- , Saturday, January 9, 2016
Where to get |
Hills Café /Space (2F, Hillside, Roppongi Hills)

Photo: Okazumi Chika

©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
《五百羅漢図》4K映像 体感
期間中、超巨大絵画、村上隆の《五百羅漢図》を、高精細な4K映像により鑑賞することができます。 専用のコントローラによる操作で自由に視点を切り替えながら、村上隆の圧巻の世界観をご堪能ください。

© Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Experience "The 500 Arhats" in 4K Movie
During the opening period of the Cafe, Takashi Murakami's large-scale painting "The 500 Arhats" will be shown in the 4K digital movie. Using the controlling device, you could change your perspectives freely and enjoy the astonishing world of the work created by Murakami.
「六本木ヒルズセール 2016」は、村上隆によるクリエイティブ!

© Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
"Roppongi Hills Sale 2016" by Takashi Murakami!
"Roppongi Hills Sale 2016" is features Takashi Murakami's signature "Flowers." The entire Roppongi Hills will be filled with flowers this winter. Website:here
場所:ヒルズ カフェ/スペース
"Flower Cafe by Takashi Murakami"
Open for a limited time only at Roppongi Hills!
Takashi Murakami's signature flowers "grow wild" at the "Flower Cafe by Takashi Murakami," open in Roppongi Hills from December 28 through January 31, 2016.
Flowers bloom in full glory on the floor, walls, tables and... while the Roku Roku Seijin – characters created by Takashi Murakami specially for Roppongi Hills – dance through the air as balloons. The flower also appears as latte art, branded into burger buns, in the form of a cake roll, and on other items on the cafe's original menu, and together with the Roku Roku Seijin on a host of kawaii novelties.
Perhaps the best part of this wonderous and wonderful worldview, however, is the way the smiling faces on these flowers, blossoming in mid-winter in all their glory, invariably bring smiles to the faces of everyone who visits. Along with the exhibition, see, eat, drink, hear and experience Takashi Murakami all over Roppongi Hills.
Period: Monday, December 28, 2015 – Sunday, January 31, 2016
Hours: 11:00–23:00
Venue: Hills Café/Space
Website: Roppongi Hills

Cafe exterior/entrance image
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Cafe interior image
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Special Collaboration "Flower" Menu

お花オムライス ¥1,200(税込)※限定20食
Flower Omelette with Rice \1,200 (tax included)
オムライスのまわりをビーツのソースとハムでアレンジし、お花を模ったオリジナルオムライスです。お好みでソースとオムライスを合わせてお召し上がり下さい。(11:00~14:00 10食 / 18:00~22:00 10食)

お花バーガー ¥1,250(税込)
Flower Burger \1,250 (tax included)

お花ムース ¥700(税込) ※限定20食
Flower Mousse \700 (tax included)

お花ロール ¥700(税込) ※限定50食
Flower Roll \700 (tax included)
ラズベリークリームで可愛らしいお花をあしらったデザートです。ふわふわしっとりな生地と 上質で甘過ぎないクリームを合わせたロー ルケーキです。

お花ラテ ¥650(税込)
Flower Latte \650 (tax included)
- お花クッション レインボー(1m) ¥62,370(税込)
- 66星人しゃちょう/66星人ピーちゃん 価格未定
Merchandise (TBC)
- "Flower" Cushion Rainbow (1m) \62,370 (tax included)
- Roku Roku Seijin Shacho / Roku Roku Seijin Pi-chan Price TBD
* Roku Roku Seijin will be on sale later than January 20, 2016.
六本木ヒルズ A/D ギャラリー
六本木ヒルズA/Dギャラリーでは、1月1日から2月14日の間、大きなフラワーボールやソファ等を展示販売する「村上隆のOHANA-OHANA-OHANA」を開催。村上隆の作品の中でも象徴的なフラワーボール、直径2mの大きなお花の球体"Gigantic Plush Flower"や、お花を一面にちりばめたソファを展示します。ポップなお花のパワーがあふれた魅力的な空間は必見です。
場所:六本木ヒルズ A/D ギャラリー(ウェストウォーク3F アート&デザインストア内) ※入場無料
Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery
"Takashi Murakami: FLOWER-FLOWER-FLOWER"
From January 1 through February 14, see Murakami's giant flower ball, flower sofa, and more, on display – and on sale – at "Takashi Murakami: FLOWER-FLOWER-FLOWER" in the Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery.
Among the works on view will be Takashi Murakami's iconic flower ball, Gigantic Plush Flower, 2 meters in diameter, and a sofa covered from end-to-end in Murakami's flowers. Don't miss this charming space, overflowing with Pop Murakami flower power.
Pre-order of poster autographed by
Takashi Murakami is available!
Details here
Period: Friday, January 1 – Sunday, February 14, 2016
Hours: 12:00–20:00
Venue: Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery (Art & Design Store, West Walk 3F) *Admission: Free
Further information:http://www.macmuseumshop.com
Inquiries: +81-(0)3-6406-6875

Ohana sofa
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Gigantic Plush Flower
©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Takashi Murakami s Superflat Collection
Photo: Hirao Kentaro
"Takashi Murakami's Superflat Collection - From Shohaku and Rosanjin to Anselm Kiefer" at Yokohama Museum of Art
This exhibition will unveil Takashi Murakami’s Private Collection for the first large scale public showing, varying from old Japanese and Asian artifacts, antiques, pottery, folk and crafts to contemporary art. It will also shed light on his own childhood experiences as well as elements and factors that influenced him as a young artist. It will cast questions to the existing contexts of art, while attempting to analyze sources of aesthetics and mechanisms of value creation.
Period: January 30 (Sat) - April 3 (Sun), 2016
Venue: Yokohama Museum of Art (3-4-1 Minato-mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama)
Details: http://yokohama.art.museum/eng
Ticket Discount Campaign
Show your ticket from "Takashi Murakami's Superflat Collection - From Shohaku and Rosanjin to Anselm Kiefer" at Yokohama Museum of Art (tickets include pair tickets, advance tickets, tickets sold at the Yokohama Museum of Art's ticket counter) at the Mori Art Museum's ticket counter and receive a \200 discount (Adult) to "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" exhibition and vice versa. You will receive a \200 discount (Adult) at the "Takashi Murakami's Superflat Collection" showing the ticket of "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats."
生誕200年記念 狩野一信の五百羅漢図展
森美術館「村上隆の五百羅漢図展」の開催に合わせ、増上寺宝物展示室にて「生誕200年記念 狩野一信の五百羅漢図展」が開催されています。村上隆が《五百羅漢図》制作の際に着想を得た、幕末の絵師・狩野一信の《五百羅漢図》を、展示替えをしながら順次公開します。
会場:増上寺宝物展示室(東京都港区芝公園4-7-35 増上寺地下1階)
"200th Anniversary of the Artist's Birth: Kano Kazunobu's Five Hundred Arhats" at Zojoji Treasures Gallery
The entirety of Five Hundred Arhats, a monumental work by the late Edo-period painter Kano Kazunobu, which in fact inspired Takashi Murakami to produce his The 500 Arhats , is currently displayed in rotating sections. A special exhibition on Five Hundred Arhats has been held to coincide with the Mori Art Museum's "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" exhibition.
Period:October 7 (Wed) - December 27 (Sun), 2015 [first term] / January 1 (Fri) - March 13 (Sun), 2016 [second term]
Venue: Zojoji Treasures Gallery (B1, Main Hall, Zojoji Temple, 4-7-35 Shiba-koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Details: http://www.zojoji.or.jp/treasure/500rakanz.html

増上寺宝物展示室 狩野一信《五百羅漢図》展示風景
撮影:平 剛
Kano Kazunobu Five Hundred Arhats Installation
View: Zojoji Treasures Gallery, Tokyo
Photo: Taira Takeshi