
French Window: Looking at the Contemporary Art Through the Marcel Duchamp Prize

The last decade of French contemporary art through the perspective of the collectors

2011.3.26 [Sat] - 8.28 [Sun]

The Marcel Duchamp Prize

The Marcel Duchamp Prize is held in honor of the great 20th century French artist, known as the pioneer of comtemporary art, as a way of supporting and promoting artists who lead the French contemporary scene, working in the field of the plastic and visual arts: installation, video, painting, photography and sculpture. The prize, which is opened to French artists and artists living in France, was established in 2000 by the ADIAF. It is organized in partnership with the Centre Pompidou and the FIAC (International Contemporary Art Fair).

NOMINATED Artists of the Marcel Duchamp Prize
[alphabetical order]
*: Participating Artists, **: Winners

Pierre Bismuth
Rebecca Bournigault
Claude Closky *
Thomas Hirschhorn *, **
Felice Varini
Xavier Veilhan *

Chen Zhen
Bernard Frize
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster *, **
Valérie Jouve *
Anri Sala *
Wang Du

Stéphane Couturier
Claude Lévéque *
Mathieu Mercier *, **
Pascal Pinaud
Eric Poitevin

Valérie Belin *
Carole Benzaken *, **
Philippe Cognée *
Richard Fauguet *
Philippe Ramette *

Kader Attia *
Gilles Barbier
Olivier Blanckart
Claude Closky *, **

Adel Abdessemed
Leandro Erlich
Philippe Mayaux *, **
Bruno Peinado *

Adam Adach
Pierre Ardouvin *
Richard Fauguet *
Tatiana Trouvé *, **

Michel Blazy *
Stéphane Calais
Laurent Grasso *, **
Didier Marcel *

Saådane Afif *, **
Damien Deroubaix
Nicolas Moulin *
Philippe Perrot

Céleste Boursier-Mougenot *
Cyprien Gaillard *, **
Camille Henrot *
Anne-Marie Schneider

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