J-WAVE “TOKYO SOUND EXPERIENCE”xMori Art Museum “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” Exhibition
Wish Tree
Wish Tree is a work of participatory art Yoko Ono has been rolling out around the world since 1996. Anyone can hope for peace, write their wish on a strip of paper, and tie it to a branch. After the exhibition closes, the collected strips of paper will be taken to the Imagine Peace Tower in Iceland, symbol of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s wish for world peace, and preserved for eternity. Being the work of an artist whose practice also encompasses music, this outing for Wish Tree will be run in conjunction with “TOKYO SOUND EXPERIENCE,” an event marking the 30th anniversary of FM radio station J-WAVE on October 1, 2018.
Dates: October 5 [Fri] - October 8 [Mon], 2018 * Limited-period only, special exhibit
Hours: 12:00-20:00
At: Roppongi Hills Arena

Installation view: “En Trance,” Lonja del Pescado de Alicante, Spain, 1997
Courtesy: Generalitat Valenciana
Photo: Miguel Angel Valero

Wish Tree
Installation view: “Yoko Ono - Half a Wind Show,” Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Sweden, 2013
Photo: Bjarke Oersted

Installation view: “En Trance,” Lonja del Pescado de Alicante, Spain, 1997
Courtesy: Generalitat Valenciana
Photo: Miguel Angel Valero

Wish Tree
Installation view: “Yoko Ono - Half a Wind Show,” Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Sweden, 2013
Photo: Bjarke Oersted
Outdoor Showing War Is Over
In 1969, as the Vietnam War intensified, Yoko Ono and John Lennon embarked on a project that involved displaying billboards with the text “WAR IS OVER ‘IF YOU WANT IT’ Merry Christmas from John and Yoko” in eleven urban locations around the world, starting with Times Square in New York.
War Is Over will be displayed in Roppongi Hills to coincide with the “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” exhibition.
War Is Over
Dates: October 5 [Fri], 2018 - January 20 [Sun], 2019
At: Around the Museum Cone and a few other places within the Roppongi Hills

Over Is War
Installation view: “Catastrophe and the Power of Art,” Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2018
Photo: Kioku Keizo

Over Is War
Installation view: “Catastrophe and the Power of Art,” Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2018
Photo: Kioku Keizo
Calling for “Support Artists” for the Second Phase of Miyajima Tatsuo’s Sea of Time - TOHOKU
Miyajima Tatsuo’s work in this exhibition, Sea of Time - TOHOKU (2018 Tokyo), was conceived as a prayer for those who perished in the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, to preserve memories of this unprecedented disaster for future generations, and to link those memories to hope for the future. A project on a grand scale with a ten-year time span to completion, it was launched in 2017 at “Reborn-Art Festival 2017” in Ishinomaki, Miyagi.
For the display of part two of Sea of Time at “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” exhibition, we are calling for “Support Artists” keen to help with the project. We look forward to hearing from prospective participants!
To Support: https://motion-gallery.net/projects/seaoftime2018 (* In Japanese-language only)

Sea of Time - TOHOKU (2017 Ishinomaki)
Waterproof LED, electric wire, integrated circuit, water
910 x 1,270 cm
Collection of the artist
Installation view: “Reborn-Art Festival 2017,” Miyagi, Japan

Sea of Time - TOHOKU (2017 Ishinomaki)
Waterproof LED, electric wire, integrated circuit, water
910 x 1,270 cm
Collection of the artist
Installation view: “Reborn-Art Festival 2017,” Miyagi, Japan

Photo: Omote Nobutada
Ai Weiwei’s Human Flow Due for Japan General Release January 2019
at Image Forum and Elsewhere
Human Flow, directed by Ai Weiwei and winner in five categories at the 2017 Venice International Film Festival, will have its Japanese release on January 12 [Sat], 2019.
Ai Weiwei, “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” participating artist and dedicated social activist, visited 40 refugee camps in over 23 countries, conducting interviews, primarily on the Greek island of Lesbos, tracking the reality of the refugee crisis that is now a global problem. Scenes depicted in Odyssey, Ai Weiwei’s work showcased in the exhibition, also appear in the film.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take Ai Weiwei’s message on board at a deeper level by viewing both exhibition and film.
Details: www.humanflow-movie.jp (* In Japanese-language only)

Distribution: Kino Films, Kinoshita Group
© 2017 Human Flow UG. All Rights Reserved.

Distribution: Kino Films, Kinoshita Group
© 2017 Human Flow UG. All Rights Reserved.
Yoko Ono’s Latest Album Warzone plus Imagine Books, Albums and Videos on Sale
Yoko Ono is 85 years old, and on October 24, 2018 the Japanese edition of her new album Warzone will go on sale complete with a bonus track. The tracks on the new album consist of thirteen selected by Ono herself from her work spanning 1970 to 2009, reinterpreted and recorded anew.
Many works related to Imagine will also be unveiled, including the simultaneous worldwide release of Imagine - The Ultimate Collection on October 5 and the book Imagine John Yoko on October 9, to coincide with what would have been John Lennon’s 78th birthday on October 9, 2018.
When it comes to walking alongside those who are suffering, Yoko Ono and John Lennon’s messages for peace, unchanging even in changing times, are more appropriate than ever in 2018.

© Yoko Ono

© Yoko Ono
- Yoko Ono New Album Warzone (Japan Edition)
- On-Sale Date: October 24 [Wed], 2018
Price: 2,700 yen (incl. tax)
Distribution: Sony Music Japan International
Details: http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/yokoono

- John Lennon Imagine - The Ultimate Collection (4 CDs + 2 Audio Blu-Ray Discs)
- On-Sale Date: October 5 [Fri], 2018
Price: Super Deluxe Box Set 12,960 yen (incl. tax), et al.
Distribution: Universal Music LLC
Details: https://www.universal-music.co.jp/john-lennon

- Book Imagine John Yoko (Japanese Edition)
- On-Sale Date: October 9 [Tue], 2018
Price: 6,264 yen (incl. tax)
Distribution: Yamaha Music Entertainment Holdings, Inc.
Details: http://www.ymm.co.jp/feature2/johnandyoko/index.html

* All of these items would also be on sale at the Mori Art Museum Shop.
- USE THIS HASHTAG! #Imagine_ArtMusic
- Upon social media posting, use the hashtag #Imagine_ArtMusic exclusively made for Yoko Ono’s works featured at, and inrelation to the Mori Art Museum’s “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” exhibition, her album Warzone, and John Lennon’s Imagine -related works.