The "Go-Betweens: The World Seen through Children" exhibition focuses on the nature of children who move back and...
2014年8月 8日(金)
2014年8月 8日(金)
The "Go-Betweens: The World Seen through Children" exhibition focuses on the nature of children...
2014年8月 7日(木)
The "Go-Betweens: The World Seen through Children" exhibition has been running till Sunday, August 31 at Mori Art Museum...
2014年8月 6日(水)
2014年8月 6日(水)
2014年8月 5日(火)
Mori Art Museum is taking the occasion of renovation work (January 5, 2014 - April 24, 2015) to develop...
2014年8月 4日(月)
2014年6月 3日(火)
The theme "Children" has fascinated not only the artists in the genre of art, but also the filmmakers...
During the period of "Go-Betweens: The World Seen through Children," Mori Art Museum will present various projects...