Exhibition Catalog
"Medicine and Art: Imagining a Future for Life and Love?"
Official catalog of the exhibition. Includes an essay by John Sulston, 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Laureate.
Essay Contributors: Ken Arnold (Head of Public Programmes, Wellcome Trust), Fukuoka Shinichi (Molecular biologist, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry and Biological Science, Aoyama Gakuin University), Martin Kemp (art historian, Emeritus Professor of the History of Art, University of Oxford), Nanjo Fumio (Director, Mori Art Museum), John Sulston (biolosit, Chair of the Institute of Science Ethics and Innovation, the University of Manchester), Takayama Hiroshi (Professor, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University. Authority on English literature, critic and translator) *in alphabetical order
B5 size / 288 pages / Japanese with English translations / ¥2,940 (incl. tax)
Publisher: Mori Art Museum, Heibonsha Ltd. Publishers
Available at:
Mori Arts Center Museum Shop 52 & 53F Mori Tower 03-6406-6270
Roppongi Hills Art and Design Store West Walk 3F 03-6406-6280
*In bookstores from Dec. 7.