MAM Collection 015, MAM Screen 016 + MAM Research 009 to Also Open with Listen to the Sound of the Earth Turning!
2022.4.13 [Wed]
The following three, small programs are also to open on Wednesday, June 29 and run concurrently with Listen to the Sound of the Earth Turning: Our Wellbeing since the Pandemic until Sunday, November 6, 2022.
Period: Wednesday, June 29 - Sunday, November 6, 2022
Odani Motohiko Hollow: What rushes through every mind 2010 FRP, urethane and others 240 x 80 x 430 cm Installation view: Odani Motohiko: Phantom Limb, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2010 Photo: Kioku Keizo (To be on view at MAM Collection 015)