
MAM Screen 015: Lu Yang

2022.2.18 [Fri] - 5.29 [Sun]

Lu Yang (born in Shanghai, based in Shanghai) deftly deploys the latest 3D modeling and motion capture technology to make works on video. In contrast to their intense, pop appearance, the meditative life and death-themed content of his works, informed by science, philosophy, neuroscience and religion, draws on computer games, manga, anime and Japanese aidoru (idol) culture to deliver razor-sharp critiques of contemporary society.
This edition of MAM Screen will take a close-up look at the realm of Lu Yang’s art, via a lineup centering on his latest work, The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film (2020), which offers observations on modern materialism in the setting of a virtual game world, and including a documentary on the making of his work.

Works Screened

1. DOKU - Hello World 2020 3 min. 25 sec.

2. The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film 2020 26 min. 22 sec.

3. Electromagnetic Brainology - Brain Control Messenger 2019 10 min. 7 sec.

4. Lu Yang Delusional Mandala 2015 16 min. 26 sec.

Total duration of the screening is approximately 57 minutes and it is scheduled to begin running at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00 (On Tuesdays, the last screening begins at 16:00 as the Museum closes at 17:00).

Special Online Screening

Two production documentary videos of a MAM Screen 015-featured work, DOKU - Hello World will be available online, exclusively on the “MAM Digital” program.

Screening Period: Friday, February 18 - Sunday, May 29, 2022
Works Screened:
DOKU - Digital Human 2021 3 min. 2 sec.
DOKU - Facial Capture 2021 2 min. 40 sec.

View the videos from here: “MAM Digital


The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
Lu Yang
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
26 min. 22 sec.
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
Lu Yang
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
26 min. 22 sec.
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
Lu Yang
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
26 min. 22 sec.
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
Lu Yang
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
26 min. 22 sec.
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
Lu Yang
The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
26 min. 22 sec.

Lu Yang

Born in Shanghai and currently based in Shanghai. Lu Yang studied under Zhang Peili (b. 1957), a pioneer of video art in China, at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, and obtained a master’s degree in 2010. The following year, he took part in a group exhibition at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, and began working internationally.
Lu Yang’s major solo exhibitions in recent years include: Delusional Mandala at Fotografiska (Stockholm, 2019); Electromagnetic Brainology at Spiral (Tokyo, 2018); Encephalon Heaven at M WOODS (Beijing, 2017); and Lu Yang: Delusional Mandala at Cleveland Museum of Art (USA, 2017), while his notable international exhibitions include the 56th Venice Biennale (2015) and the 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2014.

General Information
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MAM Screen 015: Lu Yang

Notice about MAM Screen 015

Due to some events and programs scheduled, the screening may be temporarily unavailable during the following time-frame:
* Please note that events may be added.

- 16:00-20:00, Thursday, May 19, 2022

Notice Regarding Photography in the Galleries

At the exhibition MAM Screen 015: Lu Yang, you may take photographs of the artworks under the following conditions.

When taking photographs:

  • Do NOT touch the works of art.
  • Do NOT interfere with other visitors’ enjoyment of the museum.
  • Do NOT use flash lighting.
  • Do NOT use tripods and selfie sticks.
  • Do NOT FILM the art works.

When using photographs taken of the exhibition:

  • Photographs may be used for non-commercial purposes only. Photographs may NOT be used for commercial purposes.
  • Photographs may NOT be altered in any ways.
  • The conditions above are licensed under the Creative Commons License. When uploading photographs for blogs or any other photo-sharing services, please make sure to display the photograph along with such credits as below.


Artist’s name and work title: Lu Yang The Great Adventure of Material World - Game Film
This photograph is licensed under “Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works 4.0 International.”

* For details about the Creative Commons License and marks, please see the Creative Commons Japan website: http://creativecommons.jp
* If photographs that include other museum visitors are made public, they may infringe on that person’s right of portrait.

About “MAM Screen”

The development of video art, which first appeared in the 1960s, has progressed in leaps and bounds alongside innovations in video technology. As the number of video installations combining multiple media also grows, under the “MAM Screen” program single-channel video works from around the world will be screened daily over the period of the relevant exhibition. This program enables visitors to view works on video in concentrated fashion, and at their leisure.

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